been thinking a lot about the Freedom of Religion.
Is it good? bad?
What has it done to our culture?
What do you think it's intended purpose was to be?
I mean, in the 1st Amendment, it says that Congress would make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercize thereof.
Has it essentially created an attitude that "oh, well you have your religion, and I have mine, and we're both right."
I love the choice it provides though. God gave us one thing nobody can take away from us- the freedom of choice, the freedom to have your own attitude though.
So it's not an entirely bad thing! But it's also made us comfortable- it's allowed us to tolerate other religions that, whether we think are right or wrong, we're okay with. Like John writes in Revelation 2:14-16 to the church in Pergamum, "But I have a few complaints against you. You tolerate some among you whose teaching is like that of Balaam, who showed Balak how to trip up the people of Israel. He taught them to sin by eating food offered to idols and by committing sexual sin. In a similar way, you have some Nicolaitans among you who follow the same teaching. Repent of your sin, or I will come to you suddenly and fight against them with the sword of my mouth." God commends the church for being loyal to him, but He is rebuking them for allowing compromise in the land. We allow the compromise, and we become comfortable.
It's a scary thing.
Do we define our culture, or is our culture starting to define us?
Before writing this I had a problem with putting up a government document and having it go 'head-to-head' with the Bible.. but isn't that what God challenges us to do?
I'm not saying there is no room for differences between humans / Christians, but there is a line that we must not cross; immorality, stealing, lying, etc. Now we have to find the line- and it seems to be different for all of us, but studying the Bible should make it clear[er]. Everyone has different qualities: some like to lead, some like to follow- either way, we're a complicated people.
Essentially, we cannot tolerate sin be bowing to the pressure to be open-minded.
Freedom, it seems, could be a very dangerous concept.
This country was founded on freedom.
Freedom gives us a lot of great opportunities, yes, but it makes it easier. We've become soft, almost.
Paul wasn't free. Paul was in chains.. and you know what he did? He still lived for Christ. It doesn't matter how free you are or how [literally] dangerous it may be, but we've been given one life and been placed in life in the spot that we can make the most impact.
My thoughts return to one of the most impactful songs on my life.
This post, hopefully, will start a discussion between believers and non-believers alike. Discussion leads to understanding, and for those of you who know me well know I long for understanding.
If all this post did was make you think, my job is done.
So please.... thoughts???
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