Whoooo... It has been awhile. I haven't seen this page in awhile.. a blank screen. Well.. what do you do with a blank computer screen? Write. Just let all of those thoughts you've had on your mind come loose and be free.
Being free is a great thing. You know? Forget about burdens that weigh you down. Forget about expectations. Forget about being someone you're not. It helps.
You know what helps me be free? Music..
It just takes me away. Especially an upbeat song. You guys know how positive I am. Listening to an upbeat song is like drinking 5 energy drinks for me.. it just makes me wanna MOVE!! Makes me wanna sing!!
Of course, now that I've mentioned both music and writing being ways to be free, I would think something like songwriting would be fun... but I can't write music (and I never plan to). But I can write... while listening to music! Which I have done in every note I have written so far. And, if it's not obvious, I usually write with upbeat songs playing in the background. It energizes me! It sets me free... to write what I want! It lets you, my friends, see and understand (hopefully) what is going on in my life!!
A best friend of mine, Kacey Jo, sent me a quote this morning that has been on my mind quite a bit lately. Don't wait for something big to occur. Start where you are, with what you have, and that will always lead you into something greater. -Mary Manin Morrissey
Could it be said any better?!?! Like an upbeat song for me, we all need something to energize ourselves and get out and do what we, as humans, are meant to do. Some people say our job is to spread the word of God. Some say our job is to help each other out. Some say our job is to do good deeds.
I say our job in life is to LIVE. All of those things I mentioned above? That's a part of what it means to truly LIVE!!!
But guess what?!?!?!
We can't do that alone. We all need someone. Well ALL need someone. We ALL need EVERYONE.
Have you guys heard Lifesong, by Casting Crowns.. I've never heard it until right as I am typing at the moment and I'm not sure why but my playlist is on random shuffle and it started playing this song and it hits on PERFECTLY what I'm talking about!!
I encourage you guys to go listen to it before you read any further:
When I hear a song, it changes my mood. If I hear an upbeat song, I all of a sudden have energy! An inner energy that comes from the heart- not an energy that comes from drinking some energy drink or eating a ton of sugar. A song that plays an effect on my life (my attitude, my energy, etc etc etc!).
A song that has an influence to change someone's life.
I don't have to explain this to you guys. You know what I'm talking about. You understand.
Each life has its own song- its own set of music.
So ask yourself, like I asked myself:
What does my lifesong sing?
Or an even better question might be:
Is it radio worthy?